Saturday, March 2, 2019

Phonics Online



Phonics Online

phonics online

Phonics is the language on English easiest way to approach. Now a day’s all need to do some point it can’t be change but we can change their point (flexibly).

That s not a fate, it is a future or needs, next level, achievement….
Now we all are operating including children’s (Age 4...) to start mobile (Smart phone), laptop…etc all other hardware.

The hardware’s all operation and functionality based on English.

So, we all compulsion to know the English.

Particularly in this website  we are started the course based on kinder garden students at (the age of 2-8) phonics

Phonics English speaking course is the 

                                     “Easy to Speak and Easy to Learn”.

 It is not a memory oriented program and this is made with in participate parents.

Children and parents to participate the program, and it completely online you can logon through laptop or smart phones.

It made 22 video lesson with include parental workshop.
This is useful program for all kinder garden kids to develop your kid with high-grade activity.

If any query or logon problem mail us or cal +91-7448349699


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